"My Kingdom" by Robert Louis Stevenson

Down by a shining water well I found a very little dell, no higher than my head.
The heather and the gorse about in summer bloom were coming out, some yellow and some red.

I called the little pool a sea; the little hills were big to me; For I am very small.
I made a boat, I made a town,I searched the caverns up and down, and named them one and all.

And all about was mine, I said, the little sparrows overhead,the little minnows too.
This was the world and I was king; for me the bees came by to sing, for me the swallows flew.
I played there were no deeper seas, nor any wider plains than these, nor other kings than me.

At last I heard my mother call, out from the house at evenfall to call me home to tea. And I must rise and leave my dell. And leave my dimpled water well, and leave my heather blooms.

Alas! and as my home I neared, how very big my nurse appeared. How great and cool the rooms!

Our first 12 weeks of school we are focusing on the author Robert Louis Stevenson. Lilly chose this poem out of the book A Child's Garden of Verses by Stevenson. She also choose for us to read aloud to her the classic Treasure Island by Stevenson. This video was taken about a week and a half ago and we may decide to update it if she'd like to do another video. Our next memory work will be The Lord's Prayer. Please comment....for Lilly! She's been a little shy about performing this in front of others. Hopefully, she'll gain more confidence. This is her first poem to memorize.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Lilly!!!! Super job. Miss you -Meredith

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow! Unbelievable! I just opened this email back from work and trips... But Lilly is right in front of me! I love seeing the beautiful Lilly reciting a poem.

I just think how fortunate for Lilly to have such a wonderful mom!

From Nate's mom Linda

Anonymous said...

Bravo! Bravo Lilly!
You did a great job!Keep the videos coming!!. I really enjoyed the poem. I miss you!


Anonymous said...

Nice job Lilly! You did great! Slow down a bit so we can be sure to hear your beautiful voice and I LOVE your facial expressions! You are quite a beautiful young lady.
Meleah you are an amazing woman and mother, I so wish I could chat with you every day, you would teach me so much. ~ Melissa Simmons

Meleah said...

Awww! Thanks Melissa. You are too kind. I miss our late night AIM chat's when our hubbies are out of town. Let's chat soon. I'm so busy lately!

Anonymous said...

Precious, what a wonderful gift to be a mom and teacher. Lily and Zane you are such great students, I wish you both were in my classroom!! Love, Aunt Susan

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