Our homeschool is taking on a "Charlotte Mason" educational model. In short, teaching kids to be life long learners. My favorite Charlotte Mason website is written by another homeschool mom--Linda Fay. You can find her websitehere: http://www.charlottemasonhelp.com/2009/07/cm-education_22.html . I love the way she has outlined the basic principals and then describes how she puts this into effect in her homeschool.
This is a completely new journey for me coming from a public education background. It challenges many of the ways I used to teach. I have found this new way of teaching and learning to be refreshing and insightful; yet challenging in every aspect. In many ways it takes me out of the the role of "front and center". I do the planning, observing and gentle guidance, coming along side of the kids when they need help.
One of my main roles is establishing "habits". "Habit Training" on the above mentioned website is a wonderful read. I love the freedom of homeschooling yet it is not the freedom to do as we please everyday. This is challenging us as a family and as parents. God is growing us too as we learn to say no the pressures of the outside world and our previous family motto.... "Let's go!" Our journey together should be interesting to say the least. Please keep us in your prayers and visit often to see what's going on in our little world. God bless!
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